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Developer Information
Loki: Heroes of Mythology
Developer: Cyanide Studio
Publisher: Dreamcatcher Games
Official Website: Visit
Genre: Action, RPG
Platforms: PC
Total Files: 15
Total Downloads: 63,562

In full 3D, Loki offers a multitude of special effects in hi-res graphics that takes full advantage of the possibilities offered by the latest generation of graphic cards. Loki is the studio's most ambitious project to date, but it is not its first venture into the world of heroic fantasy. Many will remember Chaos League and its liberal dosage of humour and haemoglobin.

Latest Files
Added: 2008-03-06 | Size: 155.63 Mb | Downloads: 4,842

Added: 2008-03-06 | Size: 81.03 Mb | Downloads: 3,894

Added: 2007-11-13 | Size: 131.4 Mb | Downloads: 4,498

Added: 2007-09-12 | Size: 1,252.8 Mb | Downloads: 5,938

Added: 2007-08-09 | Size: 1,013.7 Mb | Downloads: 4,569

Added: 2007-08-11 | Downloads: 3,971

Added: 2007-06-11 | Downloads: 3,969

Added: 2007-06-04 | Downloads: 3,943

Added: 2007-05-29 | Downloads: 4,027

Added: 2007-03-16 | Downloads: 3,867

Added: 2007-02-16 | Downloads: 4,151

Added: 2007-02-01 | Downloads: 4,042

Added: 2007-01-30 | Downloads: 3,945

Added: 2007-01-30 | Downloads: 4,025

Added: 2007-01-30 | Downloads: 3,881

Fan Gaming
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