
EA Games
EA Games
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Genre: Sports
Platforms: PC, Xbox, Playstation 2, Gamecube, DS, Gameboy Advance, PSP
Total Files: 6
Total Downloads: 1,046,202
FIFA 2007 Demo
Added: 2006-09-20 Downloads: 937,562 Size: 788 Mb

The demo allows you to play 4 minutes, and choose from Manchester United, Barcelona, Lyon, Weder Bremen, Guadalajara or AC Milaan, playable in Arsenal's Emirates Stadium. The demo has increased in size by 226 MB due to the inclusion of international commentaries as well as graphics tweaks and a few other enhancements.
Added: 2007-01-08 | Downloads: 49,721
Added: 2007-01-06 | Downloads: 14,163
Added: 2006-10-12 | Downloads: 16,502
Added: 2006-08-11 | Downloads: 12,717
Added: 2006-08-05 | Downloads: 15,537
Added: 2006-09-20 | Size: 788 Mb | Downloads: 937,562

Downloads: 3,822
Downloads: 3,228
Downloads: 3,662
Downloads: 3,098
Downloads: 3,381