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Developer Information
Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising
Developer: Codemasters
Publisher: Codemasters
Official Website: Visit
Genre: Shooter
Platforms: PC, Xbox 360, Playstation 3
Total Files: 26
Total Downloads: 107,839

Taking gamers as close to war as they'll ever want to get, Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising is the much anticipated return of the genre-defining military conflict simulator. Set to deliver the total combat experience, Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising will challenge players to survive the chaos and rapidly evolving situations of modern warfare in a new contemporary theatre.

Players will experience the intensity, diversity and claustrophobia of a modern conflict from the unique perspectives of an infantry marine, a helicopter pilot, a Special Forces officer or a tank commander, each engaged against the full force of the Chinese PLA on a scale never previously experienced in a military action title. Gameplay simulates an immense conflict between advanced forces and provides unparalleled scope with different military disciplines, vehicles and equipment for players to utilize.

Latest Files
Added: 2009-12-21 | Downloads: 3,987

Added: 2009-10-14 | Downloads: 3,888

Added: 2009-10-07 | Downloads: 3,995

Added: 2009-10-02 | Downloads: 4,547

Added: 2009-09-30 | Downloads: 4,033

Added: 2009-09-17 | Downloads: 4,724

Added: 2009-09-09 | Downloads: 4,195

Added: 2009-09-03 | Downloads: 4,263

Added: 2009-08-28 | Downloads: 3,866

Added: 2009-08-26 | Downloads: 3,959

Added: 2009-08-14 | Downloads: 4,069

Added: 2009-08-11 | Downloads: 4,071

Added: 2009-07-16 | Downloads: 4,077

Added: 2009-07-06 | Downloads: 3,915

Added: 2009-06-04 | Downloads: 4,009

Added: 2009-06-04 | Downloads: 4,270

Added: 2009-05-29 | Downloads: 4,052

Added: 2009-05-11 | Downloads: 3,974

Added: 2009-03-31 | Downloads: 4,298

Added: 2009-02-27 | Downloads: 4,065

Added: 2009-02-19 | Downloads: 4,024

Added: 2008-08-05 | Downloads: 4,587

Added: 2008-08-04 | Downloads: 4,186

Added: 2008-07-22 | Downloads: 4,200

Added: 2008-07-11 | Downloads: 4,388

Added: 2007-08-22 | Downloads: 4,197

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