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Developer Information
Deadliest Catch: Alaskan Storm
Developer: Liquid Dragon Studios
Publisher: Greenwave
Official Website: Visit
Genre: Action, Simulation
Platforms: PC, Xbox 360
Total Files: 5
Total Downloads: 20,438

Battle 40-foot waves, storms, ice and a nearly 100-percent crewmember injury rate in the dangerous hunt for undersea riches on the Bering Sea.

"Deadliest Catch Alaskan Storm" lets gamers captain their own boat in the frenzied search for an undersea jackpot. Gamers select one of five real crab boats, including the Northwestern, Cornelia Marie and Sea Star -- all featured on the series, or create and customize their own boat. Gamers then recruit and lead their own crew from a roster of twenty real crab fishermen. Selecting the wrong boat or recruiting the wrong crew member can mean the difference between landing a Bering Sea jackpot or disaster. Lead your fatigued, hungry and hardworking crew in the strategic search for King Crab and Opilio Crab, while battling to secure your catch and livelihood before other captains and crews get to the crab first.



  • Career Mode (Realistic and challenging simulation for gamers and "Deadliest Catch" fans)
  • Missions (Gamers experience the hard core Bering Sea life, including participation in United States Coast Guard search and rescue missions and ice flow navigation)
  • Arcade Mini-Games (Allows casual gamers to enjoy fun challenges, including crab boat races and skiff races)
  • Five Authentic Crab Boats (including Northwestern and Cornelia Marie)
  • Twenty Real Fishermen (including Edgar and Norman Hansen, Josh and Jake Harris)
  • Six Authentic Captains (including Captains Sig Hansen, Phil Harris and Larry Hendricks)
  • 4,500 lines of recorded character dialogue
  • United States Coast Guard Search and Rescues (First time in a video game)
  • Captain the 370ft. USCG Cutter Mellon
  • Throw-the-Hook Mini-Game
  • Skiff Racing Mini-Game
  • 34,000 Miles Actual Coastline
  • Four Real Bering Sea Harbors (Akutan, Dutch Harbor, King Cove and St. Paul)
  • Interactive Virtual Tour Northwestern Crab Boat
  • 100 Exclusive Crew Videos
  • Xbox Live multiplayer


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