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Developer Information
Major League Baseball 2K9
Developer: N/A
Publisher: 2K Games
Official Website: Visit
Genre: Sports
Platforms: PC, Xbox 360, Playstation 3
Total Files: 1
Total Downloads: 3,969

Major League Baseball 2K9 captures the essence of baseball down to some of the most minute, player- specific details including batting stances, pitching windups and signature swings. 2K Sports has gone above and beyond the call of duty to deliver this in true major league fashion. Additionally, gameplay enhancements in pitching, batting, fielding and baserunning promise this year’s installment to be user-friendly and enjoyable for rookies or veterans. New commentary and presentation provide the icing to this ultimate baseball experience. If you really want to Play Ball this is the game for you.

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Added: 2009-03-09 | Size: 1.25 Gb | Downloads: 3,969

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